Current Project

ARCMS stands for Augmented Reality Content Management System. A proof of concept and pilot project are underway.

Ooka Island

2014 - 2015

Ooka Island is a children's reading game for 5 to 7 year olds. I worked as the Technology Lead and helped convert Ooka Island from a desktop focused game to a mobile based one.

Ooka Island is a great tool for helping your child read. Check it out at:



CloudFlyer was my own startup that attempted to create an online version of your local Bulletin Board. A hyper local marketplace for services. It failed due to poor customer discovery and market fit.

TD Bank

2002 - 2012

Various projects and roles over 10 at TD Bank. I was fortunate to work on the roll out of various Social Media tools, large scale Intranet sites, and countless other projects.